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The official launch is scheduled for the 29th of July 2011. We think you’ll be pleased with the rich features and simplicity of operation that have been built into these solutions. For the first time, a management console has built expressly f

Web Gateway :: C i s c o S p a m & V i r u s B l o c k e r




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Email security: one  easy-to-use solution that sets up in minutes

The Cisco® Spam & Virus Blocker does more than  help ensure protection against costly email threats. It helps improve the performance of your staff and  your network—so business can  keep moving.

With simple, browser-based setup wizards, the Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker,  or Blocker,  can  be installed in most networks in minutes. As part of a broad range of technology products for small business, Blocker is a powerful component of your network foundation. Try the Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker and  watch spam disappear, with a 30-day money-back guarantee. (Terms and  conditions apply, see www.cisco.com/go/ blockerassure.)

The Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker provides:

Precision accuracy delivers wanted mail and  prohibits most email threats. The Blocker has  a spam catch rate of 99 percent and  false positives rate of less than  1 in 1

million. Learn  more about the Blocker 99 percent catch rate guarantee at www.cisco.com/go/blockerassure.

Simple installation without ongoing management. A four step set up wizzard ensures that  customers up and  running in minutes and  stopping spam immediately.

Continuous threat updates from SenderBase eliminate the need for fine tuning  of black and  white lists and  provide

the latest protection against spam, viruses and  other email threats.

Reduced risk of spam or virus attacks which may be unintentionally propagated through your network.

and Support

Your support subscription includes automatic spam and virus filter updates, software upgrades and  new releases (as available). Plus, you get next-business-day hardware replacement* and  access to the Cisco Small Business Support Center for technical support.

Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker includes everything: the hardware; software; licenses for 50, 100, or 250  users; and  one  or three years of the Cisco Software and  Support Subscription. Renewal after expiration of the initial subscription term  is through renewal Cisco Software and Support Subscription product IDs (SKUs) that  are  for a period of one  or more years.

To learn  more about the features and  benefits of the Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker,  please visit http://www.cisco.com/go/blocker


* Where available. Other terms and  conditions may  apply. Contact your local Cisco reseller for more information

Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker: Features:

    * Protects small businesses by providing powerful protection against spam, viruses, and other email threats to secure network and business data while improving productivity. Its 99 percent catch rate is guaranteed.
    * Stops spam right out of the box, unlike other products that require ongoing and time-consuming administration to work effectively.
    * Reduces operational costs through simple setup in minutes and continuous automatic updates.
    * Enhances the performance of networks, servers, and computers by helping eliminate unwanted email.
    * Provides peace of mind with a complete solution including hardware, software, updates, and product support in a single package. Plus, a risk-free 30-day money-back offer.