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The official launch is scheduled for the 29th of July 2011. We think you’ll be pleased with the rich features and simplicity of operation that have been built into these solutions. For the first time, a management console has built expressly fmore...
News & Events -> Mail Access Monitor
Mail Access Monitor
On 2012-11-23 00:11:34
Mail Access Monitor is a software product for monitoring the efficiency of your company's mail server usage. With Mail Access Monitor, you can easily determine which of your employees most frequently send and receive e-mails, and what data transfer traffic they produce by their online activity.
Mail Access Monitor benefits:
allows centralized supervision of your company's mail server usage
helps prevent attempts to use the corporate mail server for personal purposes
reduces your internet expenses
extremely easy-to-use; monitoring can begin as soon as installation is complete
works with all modern mail servers
allows the generation of a large number of reports and diagrams reflecting the efficiency of your company's mail server usage
includes task scheduler for automating report creation and delivery