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The official launch is scheduled for the 29th of July 2011. We think you’ll be pleased with the rich features and simplicity of operation that have been built into these solutions. For the first time, a management console has built expressly f

News & Events -> A new TrendViewer3 update is available

A new TrendViewer3 update is available

On 2011-03-09 01:46:19


new TrendViewer3 releases are now available for download from the following URLs:

TrendViewer COM Release 3.2 and TrendViewer .NET2 Release 1.0.1115.20

When using the new release please keep the following in mind:
The new release will be installed as a different control (with a new ID) and can be used in parallel to the old release. The old release will not be automatically uninstalled or replaced.

Bug fixes

  • time scale labeling for different time zones corrected
  • proper display of y-scale values in ruler window in case of stacked y-scales  
  • position of trend window and auxiliary lines corrected for rotated trend display (COM)
  • parameter settings for flooding of curves improved


  • display of tooltip on curve buttons containing scale and curve name cannot be switched off anymore
  • capture function can be switched off for every scale for fixing a defined interval
  • property stream now contains status information of curve values too
  • two new methods FindMinMaxXPos and FindMinMaxYPos calculate the position of the maximal and minimal value of a curve or within the viewport of a curve. The find... function of TrendAnalyzer uses these methods for positioning of the ruler on these extreme values (see oppositepicture).
  • curve points of movable or editable curves can now only be changed using the mouse when the distance between them is big enough. That reduces use errors. If the curve points are too narrow a curve can only be moved. The cursor echo shows whether the curve will be moved or a curve point is to be changed.

If you need more information please do not hesitate to call me or write an email.